and our little living tree was invited in - he has been with us for eleven years and we decorate him a few days before Christmas...

The lovely wood fairies called again, with six sumptuous sacks of logs, and Secret Santa left a mysterious bundle on the doorstep on Christmas Eve. Somehow 'he' knew I am in the middle of a tea towel famine. (Andy has used most of them to clean the bike with). Not only did I get a beautiful Emma Bridgewater tea towel which I can't quite bring myself to use, but a somewhat eccentric miscellany of coal, logs, a clockwork cowboy, fruit, nuts sprouts, chocolates and glittery stars. Eccentric, unless you know me well and how delighted I would be with it all. I think I know who it was though...

There was splendid Christmas box from another kind fairy - complete with sweet handpainted card...
...which magically turned into a Pumpkin...
...and a mere two days rest for Andy before he had to return to the Valhalla of retail where he is gainfully employed.
Next blog installment - Christmas card Heaven and the biggest 'Thank You' letter I have ever written.
Next blog installment - Christmas card Heaven and the biggest 'Thank You' letter I have ever written.